KSU receives unmodified audit opinion from COA

The Kalinga State University received its third unmodified COA opinion during the term of Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang as President having satisfied the state auditor in all material respects, which means compliance in form and content with all statutory accounting and auditing rules and regulations of the agency’s true and fair reflection of its financial condition, position, and operations.

Through an Independent Auditor’s Report dated March 15, 2022 and addressed to the university president, Commission on Audit – Cordillera Administrative Region OIC Supervising Auditor Isidora E. Fernandez opined that “the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of KSU as of December 31, 2021, and its financial performance, its cash flows and its comparison of budget and actual amounts for the year ended in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs)”.

The commission’s unmodified opinion is in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to the audit of financial statements wherein the audit evidences obtained are sufficient and appropriate to serve as basis of the report. This clean opinion from COA means that the auditor believes that the statements presented follow IPSASs and are free from material error.

“Our receipt of COA’s unmodified opinion for the third time is testament to KSU’s integrity and commitment to uphold transparency and accountability in all our financial activities, even during challenging times as the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Dr. Bagtang said.

According to COA, unmodified opinion is similar to unqualified opinion, the best auditing mark which can only be achieved if an entity’s financial statements are free from “material misstatements”.

COA’s annual audit ensures that government offices adhere to the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and good governance. The audit is conducted in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs), the global auditing standards for entities in the public sector.