SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Doña Alejandra Incorporated conducts Training-Seminar on Human Resource Information and Payroll System (HRIPS)

Doña Alejandra Incorporated conducts two (2) weeks Training Seminar on Human Resource Information and Payroll System to the Human Resource Management Officers, Records Officers and Payroll Officers (All Campuses) at RnD Building, Bulanao Campus. The training seminar started on August 5 and ends on August 16, 2024.

Kalinga State University Faculty Researchers Participate in 2024 Regional Science, Technology, and Innovation Week at Ifugao State University

Faculty researchers from Kalinga State University take part in the 2024 Regional Science, Technology, and Innovation Week which commenced today at Ifugao State University.

Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang, university president and Dr. Lope T. Buen, vice president for research, development, extension, and training, lead the team at the event held at the main campus of Ifugao State University in Nayon Lamut, Ifugao.

MOA Signing Between Kalinga District Jail and Kalinga State University: College Education Behind Bars (CEBB)

In a significant move towards enhancing rehabilitation and education for inmates, Kalinga District Jail and Kalinga State University (KSU) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) today July 30, 2024, 2nd floor, conference room, Administrative Building Bulanao Campus.

The program aimed at fostering educational opportunities for incarcerated individuals to pursue their college education and helps to transform lives of persons deprived of Liberty (PDL) through education despite being incarcerated.

Search for Outstanding Volunteers


“Bayanihan” is a time-enduring Filipino value and tradition. The willingness and desire to help others have always been part of the Filipino psyche. Recognizing this innate trait among Filipinos, the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) has spearheaded the recognition of volunteers through the Search for Outstanding Volunteers (SOV).

Youth Entrepreneurship Programs: Training for Project MARITES Beneficiaries and Kalinga Youth

Youth Entrepreneurship Programs - Project MARITES (Mobilizing Available Resources through Inclusive Training on Entrepreneurship of Students) is a collaboration of the Department of Trade and Industry - Cordillera (DTI-CAR), Commission on Higher Education (CHED-CAR) and Six (6) State Universities and Colleges in CAR to empower the next generation of business leaders and to equip young individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to launch successful business.

Kalinga State University Conducts SAFE Skills 2.0 Seminar on Legal Compliance and Gender Sensitivity for PSG

The Kalinga State University, in partnership with the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) Cordillera, officially launched the first project under the SAFE Skills 2.0 initiative: a Seminar Workshop on Legal Compliance and Gender Sensitivity for the Kalinga Provincial Security Group (PSG). It was held at the RND Training Hall, KSU Main Campus, Bulanao, and was spearheaded by the Department of Languages and the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE).

Enhancing Global Citizenship Education through Regional Hubs: A Strategic Workshop

The Philippine Normal University (PNU), through the Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Center Philippines, has set to further its engagement with fellow Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) under the Philippine GCED Network through the establishment and enhancement of GCC Regional Hubs. It was held at the Hotel Lucky Chinatown, Manila on July 15-16, 2024.

Kalinga State University Welcomes BSTF Sponsors

The Bagong Silang Texas Foundation (BSTF) Team visited Kalinga State University and met with 33 beneficiaries of their scholarship grants today. The visit marks the beginning of a stronger collaboration and the potential for further scholarship opportunities.

In her welcome remarks, Dr. Marilou Adora, Vice President for Academics and Student Development, emphasized the significance of this partnership, highlighting its potential for a lasting and fruitful relationship that could lead to more scholarships for KSU students.

KSU-College of Forestry Hosts Water and Watershed Summit: Focus on Sustainable Management

The College of Forestry hosted a Water and Watershed Summit today, July 10, 2024, at the RnD Conference Hall, Bulanao Campus. The event, spearheaded by University President Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang, and organized by Dr. Robert A. Rodolfo, Dean of the College of Forestry, along with his faculty and staff, was attended by the DENR and NIA representatives, various cooperatives, local government units (LGUs), Provincial Planning and Development Offices (PPDOs), and media practitioners.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is conducting SUC Fair 2024, which is scheduled July 9-11, 2024, at KCC Mall de Zamboanga.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is conducting SUC Fair 2024, which is scheduled July 9-11, 2024, at KCC Mall de Zamboanga. This year's theme, "Weaving Culture and Innovation for a Transformative, Resilient, and Globally recognized Philippine Higher Education," underscores the fair's commitment to advancing higher education, research, and development through innovation and cultural preservation.


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